Nevada Marriage License
Stateline, Nevada:
Douglas County Administration Building
175 US Hwy 50, Stateline, NV 89449
Open M-F 9am-5pm (closed for lunch from noon to 1pm) Closed Weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas
click here for Website and to complete the easy online application and make your appointment for pick-up.
A Nevada Marriage license can be obtained 6 days a week. Cost is $85 plus $15 for each certified copy. There is no blood test or waiting period required. You must be 18 or older and present ID: Driver’s License or Certified Copy of Birth Certificate of Passport or Military ID. Ages 16-18 must have parents or legal guardians or a Notarized letter of consent from parents. If divorced, need date divorce was final and city and state finalized in. License is valid for one year.
California Marriage License
South Lake Tahoe, (El Dorado County):
3368 Lake Tahoe Blvd, Suite 108
Open M-F 8-11:30 AND 1-4:30
A California public license may be purchased in any county in California. Cost is $100 plus $15.00 for each certified copy. There is no blood test required and no waiting period. You must be 18 or older and present a photo ID (driver’s license, state ID military ID passport or other official identification. The license is good for 90 days from the purchase. For second marriages, no divorce papers needed if it has been final for over 90 days.
Note – other counties at Lake Tahoe are Carson City County, Washoe County and Placer County.